Of the many characters in the Harry Potter novels and films, each fan must have one favorite character. But who would have thought that the most hated figures of the main character, Severus Snape, could be the favorite?
Teachers 'killer' for subjects Potion - This herb is most widely chosen as the favorite characters in a poll conducted by Empire magazine. Severus Snape, played brilliantly by Alan Rickman, it could be the most popular than Ron Weasley, Harry's best friend, who was in second position.

A bit strange, exactly the figure of Harry Potter played by Daniel Radcliffe himself can only be in third position after his friend played by Rupert Grint. According to the editor of this magazine, the figure of Snape was chosen because of the complexities of characters unexpectedly until this story ends.

"Snape is a character who is really terrific, multilayered, complex and shocking behind his trademark figure with long black hair. He performed very well in the film because of the way Alan Rickman which include the nature of the threat and despicable. He seemed to be doing whatever. But indeed he can, in the end, the appearance of the unexpected. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione seemed more heroic, Snape actually JK Rowling's character the most important and complex. "

Harry's other best friend, Hermione Granger, played by Emma Watson, also his godfather, Sirius Black, complete the 5 position of favorite characters. Who else liked the character the most?

1. Severus Snape

2. Ron Weasley

3. Harry Potter

4. Hermione Granger

5. Sirius Black

6. Remus Lupin

7. Albus Dumbledore

8. Neville Longbottom

9. Dobby the Elf

10. Luna Lovegood

11. Fred Weasley

12. Lord Voldemort

13. Rubeus Hagrid

14. Bellatrix Lestrange

15. George Weasley

16. Draco Malfoy

17. Lucius Malfoy

18. Ginny Weasley

19. Professor Minerva McGonagall

20. Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

21. Molly Weasley

22. Nymphodora Tonks

23. Gilderoy Lockhart

24. Dolores Umbridge

25. Hedwig

If you are, who your favorite?
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